Herald Tribune(C) May 19, 2003
South Koreaからの米国への移民は、1980年代には29,572人, 経済的成長を遂げた2002年には6,696人と1/5に激減している。1980年のは中低所得者層がなんとかして夢をつかみたくて移民するんだけど移民してもパパママショップを開いて寝る間も惜しんで働くんだったんだけど、昨今はSouth Koreaでもエリートだった彼らがinvestor categoryのvisaを取得し、広ーいハイライズにクラッシーな奥様と子供達とエレガントに暮らすのがトレンド。1990年初頭まではSouth Koreaから出国するという push factor がアメリカの pull factor より優っていたが、いまはそうじゃない。
"I've walked an elite path all of my life in Korea, and it would be easy to spend the rest of our lives here," said Jeong, a managing director at one of South Korea's major international construction firms. "But the United States is the center of the world these days, the country with the most to offer. We have a saying, 'If you want to meet the tiger, you have to enter its cave,' and I want our children to grow up according to American standards."
"Up until the early 1990s, the push factor out of Korea was much more important than the pull factor from the United States," said Bernard Alter, consul general at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, adding that immigration to the United States has sharply declined. "Levels are probably one-fifth of what they were in the 1980s, but proportionally, the investor category has become much more important."
Posted by riko at 2003年05月19日 09:09 | TrackBack