それぞれの時代の覇者たち - 「世界のホテルブランド」最新ファイル P.134
Crea due traveller―特集「噂のホテル」全真相! (C)文芸春秋

"ホテルチェーンにはそれぞれの時代に覇者がいる。"(by Hiroshi Mori)
60~70年代: ヒルトン vs シェラトン
80年代: ハイアット
90年代: フォーシーズンズ、リッツカールトン、アマンリゾーツ
2000年代: 金融界から、スターウッド現る!(あっという間に80カ国740軒。)インターコンチ、メリディアンのM&A。(・・・そーそー、ホテルは金融だ!)マイナーチェンジで生き残る、老舗ペニンシュラ。リッツを捨てたと思いきやカハラ・ヒルトン、ラファエルを買ったりと、とっても肉食動物なマンダリン・オリエンタル。
Hyatt Hotels And Resorts
Marriott International
Radison Hotels And Resorts
Rosewood Hotels And Resorts
Starwood Hotels And Resorts
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC
Hilton International
Intercontinental Hotels And Resorts
Le Meridien Hotels And Resorts
Four Seosons Hotels And Resorts
Raffles International Hotels And Resorts
Mandarin Oriental HotelGroup
The Penninsula Hotels
2005年(汐留): コンドラッド東京
2006年(日本橋): マンダリン・オリエンタル・東京
2007年(日比谷): ザ・ペニンシュラ・東京
2008年(六本木): ザ・リッツ・カールトン・東京
・・・なんだかこのクレア、CREAらしくなーい。ベッドの寝心地のよさ対決なんかやっちゃって、なんか「日経トレンディ」みたい! ホテルの写真のなかに人間が写っているのは、CREAでは極めて稀。
On March 7, I attended the hospitality career seminar called "Careers@4 Hospitality" for undergrats by Career Planning & Placement Center at USC. Speech and panel discussion by current professionals and hands-outs about how-to-get a job in hospitality business were much helpful for me. (Hope it will helpful for you as well.)
Here are the list of guest speakers.
Ms. Katie Callahan-Giobbi
LA.INC The Convention and Visitors Bureau
She has distinguish career experiences such as the W Hotel N.Y., St. Regis Hotel and Spa in L.A.Fairmont in Chicago, Century Plaza Hotel in L.A. Then she founded spa business.
Mr. Dean Williams
Santa Monica Convention and Visitors Bureau
He has a lot of network in hotel business. He worked for Loews, Wyndham, Starwood, Kimpto, and Hilton Hotels.
Mr. Captain Frank Kratzer
Sun Quest
He formalized his charter airline company after his long career in Delta Airlines and Alaska Air.
Ms. Divita Johnson
Hospitality Servises, USC
She started her career in hospitality industry at the Four Seasons Hotel at Newport beach and Resorts after graduation Cinema School? at USC. Now she manages USC Upstair Cafe.
Ms. Lakeithia Terry
The Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites Los Angeles
She is the HR Manager. Her resume and interview advice for jobs at the hotel business was helpful.
Here are some useful recourses on the hand-outs.
National Association of Catering Exectives
American Hotel & Lodging Assosiation
California Hotel & Lodging Association
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International
Hotels [magazine]
Hotel F&B Executive [magazine]
Lodging Magazine [magazine]
Posted by riko at 2005年03月07日 10:16
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