
Don't let the victory get hijackered

Herald Tribune(c)April 8, 2003

President Bush は戦後の平和をハイジャックする輩(1)a whiff of democracyを警戒しアラブのメディアを支配するアラブの者(2)ブッシュチームの中でイラク亡命者を祭りたてる者に気をつけねばならない。

As far as I can tell from watching the Arab satellite networks there's only a one-word, actually just a one-letter, difference in how they report the war and how U.S. networks report it. CNN calls it "America's war in Iraq," and Arab television calls it "America's war on Iraq."...Mr. Bush should visit the West Bank. It is a cautionary tale of an occupation gone wrong. It is a miserable landscape of settlements, bypass roads, barbed wire and cement walls. Why? Because the Israeli and Palestinian mainstreams spent the last 36 years, since Israel's victory in 1967, avoiding any clear decision over how to govern this land. So those extremists who had a clear idea, like the settlers and Hamas, hijacked the situation and drove the agenda.... By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN/  

…そんなころ私は… 尊敬する年下のおともだち、ky編集長のお誕生日(w/アトム、ブッダ@4月7日)に「よせがき」のお誘いをshinさんから受けて書きこんだ。そうそう、昨日、アトムの誕生日。アトムが生れるまでにアレも実現したかったしコレもアウトプットしたかった…

Posted by riko at 2003年04月08日 13:04 | TrackBack
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