P.30 健康・リラクゼーション業界の大いなる可能性 環境プロデューサー 力石秀夫氏
P.16 プロが見習う“癒しの空間”の創り方
(本日のおまけ その1)
2004年のフィットネストレンド予言 FitCommerce.com(C)2003/11/14
(本日のおまけ その2)
Aversion to combat is softening in Japan Herald Tribune(C) November 21, 2003
While Japan's wartime leaders sent more than two million soldiers to their deaths, its postwar leaders are proud of having avoided combat deaths. A single casualty would tarnish that record, and some fear it might reopen the Pandora's box of ultranationalism, which thrived during the World War II era.Especially toward the desperate final stages of World War II, Japan used its men as if they were mere ammunition, dispatching countless numbers on suicide missions. "Duty is heavier than a mountain, while death is lighter than a feather," went the imperial rescript to soldiers.
Contrast that with the saying that came to symbolize postwar Japan's official attitude toward death. In a 1977 hijacking of a Japan Airlines plane, the government gave in to demands to release the 156 passengers. As the prime minister at the time explained, "Human life is weightier than the earth."