Kyoto Cultural Guide Martin (著)
しかし結局私はここかしこにいるプロのガイドさんの後をつけていき、長けたプロの説明をかじったものに、わずかながら蓄えた乏しいバックグラウンド知識を足して、Patrickたちを案内しました。つまりkobaさんに頂いたこの本を予習して説明する義務を怠ってしました、おほほほ。。。 If I had prepare well, I would not have hesitated to explain about Kyoto.
---June 8---
Saihoji Temple (Kokedera), clad with beautiful moss
It was more green than usual bacause of rain yesterday and more prestigious because of limitation to access.
願い事を短冊に書いた。If dream comes true, each of us will share what he or she wrote on it each other. 叶うといいな☆ ビロードのような深緑の苔庭は静寂で本当に素敵。
Kinkakuji Temple --- (Give me some photo, you guys!)
Uzumasa Studio, Japanese Hollywood! 体、張ってます!
The directerincess and princedent - making of the movie >>> The lovely princess and distinguished prince (tycoon?)!!
What powerful Rikisha women! Employing Hiro and employed I
Ponto-Cho Street - Save the Wheals!
---June 9---
Katsura Rikyu Villa, the Imperial garden - Unfortunately, any photoes are prohibited inside the Villa.